Otaru Tenguyama Ropeway

 ¿Qué ver en Otaru tenguyama ropeway, Otaru?

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The Otaru Tenguyama Ropeway is a cable car located in Otaru, Japan that takes visitors up to the top of Mount Tengu. The official website for the ropeway is http://www.otaru-ropeway.com/en/.

The cable car runs from 9:00am to 9:00pm daily, with the last ride up departing at 8:45pm. The round-trip ticket price for adults is ¥1,200 (approximately $11 USD) and for children is ¥600 (approximately $5.50 USD).

At the top of the mountain, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of Otaru and the surrounding area, as well as visit the Tengu House museum to learn about the folklore surrounding the mythical creature known as the tengu.

In the nearby area, visitors can explore the historic Otaru Canal and the Otaru Music Box Museum, both of which are open daily. The canal is a popular spot for taking a leisurely stroll or enjoying a boat tour, while the music box museum showcases a vast collection of music boxes from around the world.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Otaru tenguyama ropeway)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Otaru tenguyama ropeway)